Sunday, February 22, 2015

Conception Fires the Expanding Universe / Lloyd

Contemplate the immensity of the Andromeda Galaxy exhibited by the Hubble Space Telescope pictures released 5 Jan 2015. And realize that conception came first, then homes were needed for God’s spiritual progeny.

Relative to our Earth, under direction of our Heavenly Father (Elohim) premortal Jehovah, Michael and presumably others planned, modeled, and created a suitable habitation for a mortal experience.

After its mortal purpose is completed, Earth is endowed with its celestial character and moved back to the center of celestial space near where God dwells, inhabited by those individuals who qualify for life in a celestial kingdom. Other habitations of lesser glory are established for individuals who qualify for terrestrial and telestial kingdoms.

Those men and women in the celestial kingdom who qualify for eternal family life then generate through conception their own families and the process continues. Thus conception firers the expanding Universe.

How tragic and short sighted that so many men and women in their mortal state so lightly treat the sacredness of the creative powers that reside within them. They completely disregard Elohim’s guidelines for Chastity that would have permitted them in the future, as intended, to conceive spiritual beings, children of their own, to people elements of a universe constantly expanding to provide eternal habitations.  

Without a major turnaround during mortality, they can never ever be principal players in this extraordinary eternal process.

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