Thursday, November 6, 2008

Grandkids -- Adorable and Direct / Judy

resolved to blog more

I know I’m disappointed when people don’t write in their blogs every day, so I’m going to try to write at least more often, even though each time it will probably be short—like today. And you probably won't get any pictures from me because I have no idea how to do that.

not in training - exhausted but worth it

This past weekend we watched the Anderson kids while their parents were in Hawaii. It was fun but exhausting. We just aren’t in training for that sort of activity any more. I’ve taken long naps and gone to bed early for the past two days. But it was worth it because those kids are so sweet and affectionate. It was adorable to see little Brennan light up and run towards him whenever Lloyd came in the room.

clear eyed & direct

On Monday I took Dallin to preschool and when I picked him up he showed me a small pumpkin he’d painted very colorfully. The stem was white and he told me, “the top is white just like yours [meaning my hair]. But this top is white because I painted it. Yours is white because you’re old.” (sigh)

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