Thursday, January 15, 2009

Current Malady, cont. / Judy

I had my little "procedure" on Monday as planned. They put me completely under and then with a sonar gun or something shot the two big stones in my left kidney to smithereens. Then they inserted a wire and a stent so all the tiny pieces of the blown up stone could pass safely. I was home by 11:30 am and thought everything was pretty much over. However...

Now I stay on the couch, taking a pain pill every three hours then passing out and that is my whole life right now. I go back to the doctor's office next Weds. to have the stent removed (I try not to think of how they'll do that and how it will feel) and the doctor told me I would probably be "uncomfortable" until it was out.  

Fortunately, I have help--Lloyd is here all morning, and my brother is staying here and our friend, Liberty checks on me every day and does whatever needs doing. I wish I had more interesting stuff to talk about, but this really is all I have at this time. The one good thing about all this is that I can read all I want and I'm now in the third book of the Twilight series. 

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